文章主题:课程推荐, 学习资源, 个性化学习




Can you help me ensure that the grammar and the spelling is correct? Do not try to polish the text, if no mistake is found, tell me that this paragraph is good.If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, please list mistakes you find in a two-column markdown table, put the original text the first column, put the corrected text in



Paragraph: How is you? Do you knows what is it?

| Original sentence | Corrected sentence |

| :— | :— |

| How **is** you? | How **are** you? |




As an article writing expert, I am more than capable of helping you maintain the accuracy of grammar and spelling in your writing. It is not necessary for you to attempt to polish your text, as long as there are no errors present. If upon reviewing your work, you do not notice any mistakes, then it is safe to say that this paragraph is well-written. However, if you do identify any grammatical or spelling errors, it would be helpful if you could provide a detailed list of these mistakes in a two-column markdown table. In the first column, you could include the original text, and in the second column, you could highlight the corrected text, while also identifying the specific keywords that were revised. This way, not only will you have effectively caught and corrected any mistakes, but you will also be able to demonstrate your attention to detail and commitment to producing high-quality work.

Original sentenceCorrected sentenceHow is you?How are you?Do you knows what is it?Do you know what it is ?


To explore the effectiveness of incorporating explanations as features in enhancing node classification on TAGs, we performed a comprehensive analysis on predicted samples derived from the PubMed dataset. As illustrated in Figure 3, an instance is presented where a GNN model equipped with original textual attributes as features erroneously classifies node 12390 as having experimentally-induced diabetes, whereas a corresponding model leveraging explanations generated by LLMs as features accurately identifies it as suffering from type 2 diabetes. This finding underscores the importance of utilizing advanced feature engineering techniques, such as explanations, to improve the accuracy and reliability of node classification tasks on TAGs.

答:Original sentenceCorrected sentenceTo investigate the impact of using explanations as features in improving node classification on TAGs,we conduct an analysis on predicted samples from the PubMed dataset.To investigate the impact of utilizing explanations as features to improve node classification on TAGs, we conduct an analysis on predicted samples from the PubMed dataset.Figure 3 presents a case where the GNN model trained with original text attributes as features incorrectly predicts the label for node 12390 (as experimentally induced diabetes), while the model trained with explanations generated by LLMs as features correctly predicts the label (as type 2 diabetes).Figure 3 presents a case where the GNN model trained with original text attributes as features makes incorrect predictions for the label of node 12390 (as experimentally induced diabetes), while the model trained with explanations generated by LLMs as features accurately predicts the label (as type 2 diabetes).

The paragraph is technically sound, with no grammar errors or spelling mistakes, making it a reliable piece of writing.


Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. Polish the writing to meet the academic style, improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, concision and overall readability. When necessary, rewrite the whole sentence. Furthermore, list all modification and explain the reasons to do so in

 markdown table.



To explore the effectiveness of incorporating explanations as features in enhancing node classification on TAGs, we performed a comprehensive analysis on predicted samples derived from the PubMed dataset. As illustrated in Figure 3, an instance is presented where a GNN model equipped with original textual attributes as features erroneously classifies node 12390 as having experimentally-induced diabetes, whereas a corresponding model leveraging explanations generated by LLMs as features accurately identifies it as being associated with type 2 diabetes. This finding underscores the potential of utilizing LLMs to generate accurate and reliable explanations, which can significantly improve the performance of node classification tasks on TAGs.

答:OriginalModificationReasoningTo investigate the impact of using explanations as features in improving node classification on TAGs,we conduct an analysis on predicted samples from the PubMed dataset.We conducted an analysis on predicted samples from the PubMed dataset to examine the impact of utilizing explanations as features for enhancing node classification in TAGs.Refined wording and clarified sentence structure.Figure 3 presents a case where the GNN model trained with original text attributes as features incorrectly predicts the label for node 12390 (as experimentally induced diabetes), while the model trained with explanations generated by LLMs as features correctly predicts the label (as type 2 diabetes).In Figure 3, we observe a scenario where the GNN model, which was trained with original text attributes as features, inaccurately predicts the label for node 12390 as “experimentally induced diabetes.” Conversely, the model that employs explanations generated by LLMs as features accurately predicts the label as “type 2 diabetes.”Improved sentence structure, clarified labels, and provided more context.


The original paragraph lacked clarity and concision. It contained grammatical errors and used casual language rather than academic style.The modified version rephrases sentences to improve readability and ensure adherence to formal writing conventions.The modifications provide clear descriptions of the research methodology, datasets, and results.The revised paragraph uses appropriate terminology and provides additional context for understanding the findings.















