2023届毕业生 gathered for their last class: the graduation defense, an important exam of their four-year learning. The defense was organized with care and precision, with faculty members asking questions on the research core and key points of the students' thesis. The students showed strong academic ability...
本文介绍了清华大学本科生特等奖学金答辩的结果,其中前三名获奖同学分别来自计算机系、交叉信息院和电子系,他们的研究成果在国际期刊和会议上得到了广泛的认可。白钰卓同学研究方向独特,是人工智能与甲骨文的结合,她在本科阶段就发表了多篇论文;徐海珂同学在人工智能基础理论领域有着深入研究,并成功发表在了多个国际知名会议上;刘坤柿子同学则致力于未来的6G无线通信技术,并在IEEE Transactions on Communications等重要期刊上发表了研究成果。