文章主题:传媒融创汇·青年公开课, ChatGPT, AIGC, 传媒变局







以ChatGPT为代表的AIGC技术自2023年初以来一直保持着较高的关注度,其带来的技术突破、学术伦理挑战以及智能生成效率提升等优势, along with the emergence of a new paradigm of human-machine collaboration have become hot topics within the tech and academic communities. In particular, the impact of AIGC on the media industry, potential risks associated with the technology, and strategies for addressing these challenges are being widely discussed.In this context, it is important to consider how media professionals can adapt their roles to better align with the new technology landscape. To this end, attendees at a recent event offered insights and suggestions from various perspectives on how to enhance human-machine collaboration in the media industry, as well as how to adjust to the changing role of AIGC.Overall, the ongoing debate about AIGC and its implications for the media industry highlights the need for continued exploration and discussion on the ethical, social, and economic implications of emerging technologies. By engaging in open and inclusive dialogue, we can work towards harnessing the full potential of AIGC while mitigating any adverse effects it may have.



中国社会科学院新媒体研究中心副主任兼秘书长黄楚新教授深入探讨了技术如何助力新闻媒体行业的发展。针对近期ChatGPT引发的恐慌,他强调我们需要用理性的眼光来看待当前的技术热点。虽然现阶段ChatGPT在特定场景下能展现参考性、决策性和辅助性,但距离完全让人信任仍有较大差距。Open AI致力于创造有益于人类的通用人工智能。他们希望构建的人工智能系统能与人类的目标保持一致,并积极鼓励公众参与产品开发设计的决策过程。人机耦合将成为未来AIGC应用的重要趋势。基于AI的人机互动模式,新型媒介融合在一定程度上可以弥补传统新媒体传播技术的不足。这将为用户提供更多的媒介选择权、自由权和使用权,从而激发新的创新力。




2023年 marks the tenth year since media integration was propelled as a national strategy overall. The pivotal role of technology in driving media convergence has become increasingly prominent. Cai Jinzhen, the Deputy Director of the 5G Interactive Media Application Division of Xinhua News Agency, discussed the challenges and countermeasures brought about by AGI and AIGC in constructing a comprehensive media communication system. She emphasized that the profound impact of ChatGPT on the media industry is mainly reflected in aspects such as content production, dissemination landscape, public opinion structure, and media ecology. The challenges posed by the integration of AGI/AIGC to the full-media communication landscape include the need for mainstream media to reorganize their thinking, framework, method, and path when utilizing advanced technologies. In the face of opportunities brought by the cross-generational shift, mainstream media must rearrange platform and terminal forms. Faced with the high cost of AGI/AIGC, mainstream media can only rely on independent research and development to achieve it, which poses a risk of being excluded from key tracks. Therefore, innovative paths need to be explored. It is necessary to be vigilant against super centralization behind decentralization, as mainstream media finds it difficult to connect with users through search and following, and it becomes more challenging to set topics and guide public opinion. To address these challenges, three aspects need to be focused on at the technical level: (1) prevent the reverse flow of harmful information, do well in warning and technical tracking; (2) strengthen data resource construction, build human feedback reinforcement learning mechanism, and carry out large model construction; (3) establish relevant security management mechanisms, review mechanisms, and evaluation mechanisms, etc., to respond to challenges from the prevention, attack, and management dimensions. In terms of content construction, the construction of AI mentor capabilities, topic discovery and planning capabilities, and field research capabilities should be strengthened.








