本文介绍了ChatGPT的火爆程度以及各大公司对其的应用和发展。目前,ChatGPT已经广泛应用于电商、社交媒体等领域,证明了其代替人类工作的能力。同时,各大AI公司和搜索引擎也在 developing their own AI chatbots and projects, such as Bard and文心一言,这些项目都旨在利用ChatGPT的力量来改变现有的服务和行业。
近两年来,一款名为ChatGPT的聪明AI能助学生做作业、设计师做创意、研究生写论文和IT人士写代码等,甚至还能帮忙应聘, but its chinese ability is limited and it can not solve the legal and civil engineering questions in China. A Chinese AI project, "Wenxinyiyan" (ERIE Bot), developed by Baidu, is expected to be launched soon and may surpass ChatGPT in intelligence.
首次中国AIGC产业峰会在京举行,聚焦大模型、生成式AI等热门话题,并发布了中国AIGC产业全景报告暨中国AIGC 50。 Attendees included representatives from industry, academia, and venture capital. The event theme was "Hello New World," reflecting the challenges and opportunities of the AI era. Discussions centered on how to grasp the opportunities and challenges of this era and look forward to the future....